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What are the common leakage substances?


In the mining industry, what are the common leakage substances? DSH Seals to tell you...... The common leakage substances are generally divided into three categories, such as gas, liquid and solid.


Common gaseous substances:

Coal gas, steam, oxygen, hydrogen, chlorine gas, compressed air, acetylene gas, etc.;


Liquid substance "five water":

Hot water, tap water, soft water, washing water and circulating cooling water;


Liquid substance "five oil":

Fuel oil, lubricating oil, hydraulic oil, mineral oil and cooling oil, acid, alkali, salt and solvent, etc.;


Solid material:

Dust, dirt, sand and semi-fluid substance.

Where to buy the high quality and low or non leakage seals? Contact DSH Seals sales team and technical team for your sealing solution.
