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Standard definition of various types of seals


Conventional seals: Refers to the ordinary hydraulic machinery and equipment used in the hydraulic seal products, and the seal of the series, inventory and supply series has been widely used in hydraulic systems and markets. The product has been listed in the seal catalog.


Professional seals: Refers to the seals used in the professional machinery and satisfy the hydraulic system of a particular purpose, such as the buffer ring on the construction machinery, high pressure sealing ring, the special seal ring on the high altitude and safe operation machinery,  the high temperature seals on the high temperature machinery and the cold seal on the low temperature machinery; the high pressure oil seal on the high pressure rotary machinery. The products are not included in this catalogue.


General mechanical seals: The ordinary machinery referred to the hydraulic machinery used in general pressure, speed, temperature, grade and other occasions, it doesn’t have special requirement in the system’s security, work tasks, and operational characteristics. So the use of sealed products will not have high performance requirements, such as ordinary hydraulic machine, general machine tools, forklifts, plastic machines and light power machinery.


Maintenance type seals: it is the hydraulic seals that should urgently replace when the use of the mechanical equipment of a hydraulic system failure occurs, or when the hydraulic equipment needs to be retrofitted, should re-select the appropriate seal.


DSH Seals can offer seals timely, accurately, effective and reliable. Welcome to contact us. Thanks for your time.
